Living Spaces

Our end of lease cleaning offerings includes cleaning of living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, and common areas. We understand that living spaces are important to our customers and therefore, we are meticulous when cleaning them. Our experienced cleaning professionals use high-quality equipment and environmentally friendly cleaning products to guarantee that everything are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Our guarantee is that our services will meet the required criteria required to ensure the return of their bond, giving them peace of mind as they move out of their property. With our flexible scheduling options, we can accommodate our clients’ specific cleaning needs and preferences. With prices starting at $149, our rates is competitive.

Get Your Bond Back How to Clean Up Prior to the Rental Inspection

An inspection of a rental property can be stressful for tenants because it will determine whether they will receive their bond returned or not. It's important to have a thorough cleaning of the home prior to the inspection takes place in order that the property owner or the real estate agent will know that the home is well-maintained and ready for tenants to move in.